Chirps and Cheeps

A Photo Journal of My Birding Adventures & Observations

My birding blog site

  Male Purple Finches!

Published: April 11, 2011
Tags: My Feeders, Purple Finch, Pileated, Northern Flicker, Red-tailed Hawk, Chipping Sparrow, Orchard Park, life list, nyjer thistle

Finally!  Not one, but 5 male purple finches showed up at our feeders today!  Until today, I've only had one, lone female sporadically coming by so this was very exciting to finally see a male - a life list for me in a way...

The finches were quite noisy and stayed all day long, vacillating between the back feeders and side feeders.  They couldn't be bothered with the nyjer thistle; they only wanted the black oil sunflower seeds.

The day began with the drumming sound of  a Pileated, a rare sighting of a Northern Flicker, and a rush and flurry of a Red-tailed Hawk swooping down on a squirrel eating some spilled birdseed. He or she was unsuccessful, but it was quite a speedy and vicious pursuit! I also saw my first of the year Chipping Sparrow.

Quite the exciting day in Orchard Park!

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My first male Purple Finch

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Purple Finch

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Purple Finch

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Purple Finch

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Purple Finch

blog photo
Purple Finch

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