Chirps and Cheeps

A Photo Journal of My Birding Experiences & Observations

My birding blog site

  Mountain Bluebird, a Lifer!

Published: January 10, 2020
Tags: Life List Happenings, mountain bluebird

On a whim, I decided to try for a Mountain Bluebird that has been reliably seen in Durham, Ontario - a bird that I probably would never get to see or at the very least - not any time soon.  This bird hails from the far west and is a very long way from its eastern-most range.  I rationalized the two and a half hour drive is nothing compared to what it would take to travel to see this species in its natural environment.

When I finally reached my destination, I found myself in unusual habitat.  It was a dry farm type of land with old split rail fences, more dirt than grass, and only occasional deciduous trees and bushes.  I wondered what attracted the bluebird to this spot... Maybe the berries that remained on some of the bushes?

A few people were gathered and I found they were very friendly and eager to point out all the bird’s favored perches to me.  Within a few minutes, as if to confirm their intel, the lovely Mountain Bluebird flew within a short distance and perched at one of these spots.

It was love at first sight.  My photos don’t do justice to the dazzling cerulean shade of blue this female has on its back, wings, and tail and I can only imagine how beautiful the brighter and bluer males must be in real life.

I stayed around watching this endearing bird fly from perch to favored perch, preen, hunt insects, and garnish her meals with berries that she wrestled out of a bush which was happily right across from us.  Cameras fired, we “oohed” and “ahhed”, and eventually we all felt an utterly exhausted satisfaction when she flew across to an opposite corner of the open farm field.  In a trance, I eased my way back into my car and drove homeward bound totally in love with yet one more of God’s incredible masterpieces.

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Female Mountain Bluebird

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Mountain Bluebird

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Mountain Bluebird

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Mountain Bluebird

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Mountain Bluebird

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